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August 19, 2024

Advance Care Plan: Your Future, Your Choices

Why Advance Care Planning Matters

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were unable to communicate your healthcare wishes? Advance Care Planning is a proactive step that empowers you to make your voice heard, even when you can't speak for yourself.

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance Care Planning is the process of discussing your healthcare preferences with loved ones and documenting your wishes in legal documents. It involves addressing questions like:

  • What kind of medical treatment do you want or not want?
  • Who should make decisions about your care if you're unable to?
  • What are your goals for end-of-life care?

Why is it Important?

Peace of Mind

Knowing your wishes are documented can provide comfort to both you and your loved ones.

Clarity for Loved Ones

Your loved ones won't have to guess about your preferences during a stressful time.

Respect for Your Wishes

Your healthcare providers will be guided by your documented desires.

Avoid Unnecessary Suffering

Advance Care Planning can help prevent unnecessary medical interventions.

Getting Started

Let’s start with a plan. Below we will review some of the key items that need to be addressed when creating your Advanced Care Plan.

Gather Information - Collect information about your medical history, current conditions, and any relevant family history.

Reflect on Your Values - Consider your beliefs about life, death, and healthcare.

Choose a Healthcare Agent - Designate someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf.

Complete Legal Documents - Create documents like a Living Will (or Advance Directive) and a Healthcare Power of Attorney.

Communicate Your Wishes - Share your decisions with loved ones, healthcare providers, and your healthcare agent.

There are many times that trying to make these decisions can be confusing or even overwhelming. Do you have any loved ones that can assist in this process and want to be involved in making these decisions? Have you decided who will the final say and be the assigned Power of Attorney? Get these people involved at the beginning of the process so they are fully understanding your wishes.

Below is a list of the documents you may see during the process and what they are used for. Remember... ASK the questions! It's your life, your future, your decisions. Have a complete understanding of what you are creating so that you can have true peace of mind knowing that your future is prepared for.

Advance Care Planning Paperwork

Listed below are documents you may need to complete your Advanced Care Plan. Several of them are linked to share examples or for easy downloading but your family attorney and/or certified public account (CPA) would also have certified documents for you to use.

Advanced Directives – this is the record of the process of Advance Care Planning. Each state has approved forms for this process.

Medical Power of Attorney – a legal document that names one person the health care agent of another person and gives them the ability to make health care decisions on that person’s behalf.  Oklahoma Form      Texas Form 

Durable Power of Attorney – a legal document naming one person to remain in control of certain legal, property, or financial matters specifically listed within that document.  Oklahoma Form       Texas Form

General Power of Attorney – a legal document naming one person to act on behalf of another person in any matter. This is an all-encompassing authorization where a Medical or Durable POA are limited.  Forms For All States

Medicare / Medicaid Insurance – Medicare is federal health insurance for people 65 or older, younger people with disabilities, or people with end-stage renal disease. Medicaid is health coverage administered by each state and according to federal requirements.  Medicare       Medicaid

Documents for any trusts or LLC – Some of these documents could include (1) Articles of Organization also known as Certificate of Organization or Articles of Incorporation, (2) Operating Agreement, (3) Employee Identification Number (EIN).

Documents for Life Insurance – Contact the provider of the policy. If you are unsure of who that is, check with a financial advisor, previous employers, bank statements, previous tax returns, or state insurance departments.

Copy of Will and Last Testament – in most cases, executors or possibly beneficiaries have access to this document or at least have the probate court file number. The courthouse may also provide this information by providing the deceased’s name and date of death.

Advanced Care Planning Organizations to Help

Speak with your family attorney or CPA to ensure these documents are in place and filed correctly. If you do not have one, we suggest interviewing several and finding one that is a good fit for you and your family’s needs.

To help you get started, we've created a downloadable checklist that outlines the key steps in Advance Care Planning. You can find it here.

Remember, it's never too early or too late to start planning. By taking the time to express your wishes, you're ensuring that your voice will be heard, even when you can't speak for yourself.

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